
Introduction of the products of Shinil Ace Co., Ltd., a company that conducts on its own the entire production process from development, design and manufacturing to distribution, verification and certification of its products

News & Events

Announcements of the latest news and exhibits, etc.
of Shinil Ace.

ShinilAce' Din2353 Tube Fittings were In… 인기글 2018.04.02    |   신일에이스

Notice for ShinilAce Double Ferrule Tube… 인기글 2018.04.02    |   신일에이스

Catalogue update guide for the websight,… 인기글 2018.02.21    |   신일에이스

Contact Us

The corporate value of Shinil Ace emphasizes relationships and work rather than immediate profits and treats people with genuine sincerity.

Shinil Ace Co., Ltd. | 80, Dadae-ro 170beon-gil, Saha-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea I Tel : +82-51-266-4585 | Fax : +82-51-266-4588

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